Just 4 Kids Urgent Care has just celebrated a milestone — turning one-year-old! It was a tremendous first year here in Idaho Falls with so many reasons to celebrate. And what better time to start our new blog on our website?
We have strived to create a safe, fun and distracting environment for all children — infant through adolescent. We also try to bridge the gap between the pediatric office and the emergency department — working hand-in-hand with the child’s regular doctor. In addition, our mobile and online check-in system have been a big success. Patients love to avoid the hassle of waiting in the lobby.
During year one, in 36,400 hours; 2,184,000 minutes; we gave away 9,268 Otter Pops; 10,376 Dum-Dums; and 6,077 stickers and 3,574 gumballs. But that wasn’t enough. We had several fun giveaways during the year. Most of them were on our Facebook page so make sure you go like our page if you haven’t already! Feel free to follow us on Instagram too! To top it all off, we marked our 1st anniversary by giving away a trampoline! We asked our friends on Facebook to guess how many gumballs we gave away in a year. The winner was Carrie Ewert! Hey Carrie, mind if we stop by and test out your new tramp?

Joining Forces
Recently, we announced a new collaboration with Salt Lake City’s Primary Children’s Hospital. This is just another way that we have expanded the range of pediatric care available in Idaho Falls urgent care. Now three pediatric specialists from Primary Children’s Hospital are able to offer regular services out of our facility. It is the first permanent location in the area for doctors and nurses at Primary Children’s Hospital and the Intermountain Healthcare network. This will save many families from being forced to travel to Pocatello or Salt Lake City for a visit with specialized doctors.
In an interview with Local News 8, Dr. Aaron Gardner said, “Families are really grateful that they only have to go a few miles instead of traveling to Salt Lake. It’s been a really positive experience from that standpoint.”
An expansion to our facility now includes 1,700 square feet of additional space. This will be used to provide specialized care in urology and cardiology. There are also plans in the works to implement a telehealth service that will enable patients to consult with experts. If you would like to schedule an Idaho Falls appointment with a pediatric specialist from Primary Children’s Hospital, call the scheduling department at Primary Children’s Hospital at 801-213-3599.
We are so grateful to Primary Children’s Hospital-Outpatient Services for being willing to come to Idaho Falls for the kids in our community. Not every specialty is currently available but additional subspecialty services are in the process of being added for the coming year. For more on this exciting development, you can read the full news article in the Post Register or this one on East Idaho News. We appreciate our local media for helping us get the word out!
More Highlights
- In preparation for opening, our team traveled to Rockford, Illinois to receive training on our medical record system. We are very excited to provide our patients with a fast and efficient technology that will improve their experience.
- The grand opening of Just 4 Kids was held in mid-March. We wanted the community to come out and meet the new pediatric urgent care providers in Idaho Falls. Those who came in got to tour our facility, eat some delicious snacks, take some goodies home and of course … win prizes!
- We were proud to be able to help sponsor the Paces for Payton Fun Run to support organ donation! This great event helps families with children who are on an organ transplant journey.
- We have added lots of helpful information to our website. Check out our urgent care page to learn more about all sorts of illnesses and injuries that we treat in addition to the many services that we provide for local children. We have also added Spanish translations to each page so we can help even more people in the area.
- FREE PHYSICALS! Just 4 Kids offered free pre-participation physicals for sports and scouting activities from June 15 to September 30. In fact, we turned this into a competition between schools to see who would send in the most students. In the end, Thunder Ridge High School won the contest and received a $1,000 donation check for their athletic department!
- We are currently working on some exciting things that will better serve our customers and address the rising cost of healthcare services…..stay tuned for updates!
It has been a wonderful first year. It has been so great to be a part of the Idaho Falls urgent care community for the last year. We are looking forward to many more years to come. We are extremely proud of the care we provide and the fact that we do things differently than any other urgent care in the state of Idaho. Just 4 Kids is the only pediatric-focused urgent care in the state (at this time) and all of our providers and nursing staff are all highly trained in the pediatric arena. Our commitment to providing the highest quality care to our patients shines in all of our staff, making it very easy to respect our coworkers and appreciate our job!